Conducting energy audits to define bespoke action plans for work on the envelope, systems, operations, renewable energy and more.
Modelling technical solutions and scenarios of which the constraints on feasibility have been identified, checked and classified by an audit procedure. Comprehensive solutions included scenarios combining a number of individual solutions to meet a range of economic and environmental performance criteria, while taking account of constraints relating to building occupation.
The study was a first step to implement energy efficiency measures. Thermal (heating and cooling) and electrical (lighting, pumps, elevators) data was collected as a first step of the audit. To complement the data a process flow diagram of the heating and cooling systems was elaborated. Traditional key performance indicators were calculated and specific industry indicators such as the energy consumption per bed and per square meter.
Feasibility study, which initially consists of identifying the energy efficiency and renewable energy potential of buildings. A master action plan is established to demonstrate that there is sufficient potential for the ESCO (Energy Service COmpany) to enter into an EPC contract. The IPMVP methodology is also used to establish the baseline (detailed study phase). Finally, Tractebel assists the municipalities in the call for tenders phase in order to select the ESCO which has drawn up the best proposal on the basis of the principle of TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). In this way, municipalities achieve their climate goals for the coming years with limited funding from municipalities.